Methods | Canopy level | Tree level | Others | Presentations
- Kučera, J., Vaníček, R., Urban, J., 2020
- Automated exponential feedback weighting method for subtraction of heat losses from sap flow measured by the trunk heat balance method.
- Acta Horticulturae
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- Kucera, J., Brito, P., Jimenez, M.S., Urban, J., 2016
- Direct Penman–Monteith parameterization for estimating stomatal conductance and modeling sap flow.
- Trees on-line
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- Kučera, J., Krofta, K., 2009
- Mathematical model for prediction of alpha acid contents from meteorological data for �Saaz� aroma variety.
- Acta Hortic. 848, 131–140.
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- Fyodor A Tatarinov, Jiri Kučera, Emil Cienciala 2005
- The analysis of physical background of tree sap flow measurement based on thermal methods
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- Cermak J., Kucera J., Nadezhdina N. 2004
- Sap flow measurements with some thermodynamic methods, flow integration within trees and scaling up from sample trees to entire forest stands.
- Trees 18: 529546.
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- Cienciala E., Kucera J. and Lindroth A. 1999
- Long-term measurements of stand water uptake in Swedish boreal forest.
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 98-9, 547-554.
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- Kostner, B., Granier, A., and Cermak, J. 1998.
- Sapflow measurements in forest stands: methods and uncertainties.
- Ann. Sci. For. 55: 13-27.
- Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Kucera, J., Cienciala, E., and Eckersten, H. 1995.
- Sap flow by the heat-balance method applied to small-size salix trees in a short-rotation forest.
- Biomass and Bioenergy 8: 7-15.
- Full text available
- Cienciala, E., and Lindroth, A. 1995
- Gas-exchange and sap flow measurements of Salix viminalis trees in short-rotation forest. I. Transpiration and sap flow.
- Trees 9: 289-294.
- Full text available
- Cienciala, E., and Lindroth, A. 1995
- Gas-exchange and sap flow measurements of Salix viminalis trees in short-rotation forest. II. Diurnal and seasonal variations of stomatal response and water use efficiency
- Trees 9: 289-294.
- Full text available
- Cermak, J. 1989
- Solar equivalent leaf area: an efficient biometrical parameter of individual leaves, trees and stands.
- Tree Phys. 5: 269-289.
- Schulze, E.-D., Cermak, J., Matyssek, R., Penka, M., Zimmermann, R., Vasicek, F., Gries, W., and Kucera, J. 1985
- Canopy transpiration and water fluxes in the xylem of the trunk of Larix and Picea trees – a comparison of xylem flow, porometer and cuvette measurements.
- Oecologia 66: 475-483.
- Balek, J., Cermak, J., Kucera, J., and Prax, A. 1983
- A direct method for forest transpiration measuement.
- Journal of Hydrology 66: 123-131.
- Cermak, J., and Kucera, J. 1981
- The compensation of natural temperature gradient at the measuring point during the sap flow rate detemination in trees.
- Biol. Plant. 23: 469-471.
- Kucera, J., Cermak, J., and Penka, M. 1977
- Improved thermal method of continual recording the transpiration flow rate dynamics.
- Biol. Plant. 19: 413-420.
- Full text available
- Cermak, J., Deml, M., and Penka, M. 1973
- A new method of sap flow rate determination in trees.
- Biol. Plant. 15: 171-178.
Canopy level
- Krofta, K., Kučera, J., Urban, J., 2013
- Transpiration – an Important Contribution to Overall Water Balance of the Hop Plantation.
- Acta Hortic. 1010, 183 – 190.
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- Fischer, M., Trnka, M., Kučera, J., Deckmyn, G., Orság, M., Sedlák, P., Žalud, Z., Ceulemans, R., 2013
- Evapotranspiration of a high-density poplar stand in comparison with a reference grass cover in the Czech-Moravian Highlands.
- Agric. For. Meteorol. 181, 43–60.
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- Kucera J., Urban J., Trnka M., Fischer M., Krofta K., Duffkova R. 2011
- Evapotranspirace vybraných druhů zemědělských a lesních porostů za nelimitujícího obsahu vody v půdě
- Full text available
- Lagergren F., Lankreijer H., Kucera J., Cienciala E., Molder M., Lindroth A. 2008
- Thinning effects on pine-spruce forest transpiration in central Sweden
- Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008)
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- Cienciala, E., Mellander, P-E., Kucera. J., Oplustilova, M., Ottosson-Löfvenius, M., and Bishop, K. 2002
- The effect of a north-facing forest edge on tree water use in a boreal Scots pine stand.
- Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 32, 693-702.
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- Martin, T.A., Brown, K.J., Kucera, J., Meinzer, F.C., Sprugel, D.G., Hinckley, T.M. 2001
- Control of transpiration in a 220-year-old Abies amabilis forest.
- Forest Ecology and management 152: 211-224
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- Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Malmer, A. 2000
- Tree sap flow and stand transpiration of two Acacia mangium plantations in Sabah, Borneo.
- Journal of Hydrology 236 (2000) 109-120.
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- Jimenez, M.S., Morales, D., Kucera, J., and Cermak, J. 1999
- The annual course of transpiration in a laurel forest of Tenerife. Estimation with Myrica faya. Phyton;
- Annales Rei Botanicae 39: 85-90.
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- Bauerle, W.L., Hinckley, T.M., Cermak, J., Kucera, J., and Bible, K. 1999
- The canopy water relations of old-growth Douglas-fir trees.
- Trees 13: 211-217.
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- Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Ryan, M.G., and Lindroth, A. 1998
- Water flux in boreal forest during two hydrologically contrasting years; species specific regulation of canopy conductance and transpiration.
- Ann. Sci. For. 55: 47-61.
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- Cienciala, E., Running, S.W., Lindroth, A., Grelle, A., and Ryan, M.G. 1998
- Analysis of carbon and water fluxes from the NOPEX boreal forest: Comparison of measurements with FOREST-BGC simulations.
- Journal of Hydrology 213: 62-78.
- Full text available
- Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Grelle, A., and Halldin, S. 1997
- Canopy transpiration from a boreal forest in Sweden during a dry year.
- Agric. For. Meteorol. 86: 157-167.
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- Martin, T.A., Brown, K.J., Cermak, J., Ceulemans, R., Kucera, J., Meinzer, F.C., Rombold, J.S., Sprugel, D.G., and Hinckley, T.M. 1997
- Crown conductance and tree and stand transpiration in a second-growth Abies amabilis forest.
- Can. J. Forest Res. 27: 797-808.
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- Lindroth, A., and Cienciala, E. 1996
- Water Use Efficiency of Short Rotation Salix Viminalis at Leaf, Tree and Stand Scales.
- Tree Physiol 16: 257-262.
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- Hinckley, T.M., Brooks, J.R., Cermak, J., Ceulemans, R., Kucera, J., Meinzer, F.C., and Roberts, D.A. 1994
- Water Flux in a Hybrid Poplar Stand.
- Tree Phys. 14: 1005-1018.
- Cienciala, E., Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Hallgren, J.E., and Kucera, J. 1994
- The Effects of Water Availability on Transpiration, Water Potential and Growth of Picea abies During a Growing Season.
- Journal of Hydrology 155: 57-71.
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- Cienciala, E., Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Hallgren, J.E., and Kucera, J. 1992
- Assessment of Transpiration Estimates for Picea abies Trees During a Growing Season.
- Trees 6: 121-127.
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- Cermak, J., and Kucera, J. 1990
- Scaling up transpiration data between trees, stands and watersheds.
- Silva Carelica 15: 101-120.
Tree level
Sap flow
- Pietras, J., Stojanović, M., Knott, R., Pokorný, R., 2016
- Oak sprouts grow better than seedlings under drought stress.
- iForest – Biogeosciences For. 009, e1–e7.
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- Gebauer, R., Volařík, D., Urban, J., Børja, I., Nagy, N.E., Eldhuset, T.D., Krokene, P., 2015
- Effects of prolonged drought on the anatomy of sun and shade needles in young Norway spruce trees.
- Ecol. Evol. n/a–n/a.
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- Hoelscher, M.-T., Nehls, T., Jänicke, B., Wessolek, G., 2015
- Quantifying cooling effects of facade greening: shading, transpiration and insulation.
- Energy Build. 114, 283–290.
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- Brant, V., Pivec, J., Hamouzová, K., Zábranský, P., Satrapová, J., Škeříková, M., 2014
- Determination of the influence of herbicides on dicotyledons plant transpiration using the sap flow method.
- Plant, Soil Environ. 60, 562–568.
- Střelcová, K., Kurjak, D., Leštianska, A., Kovalčíková, D., Ditmarová, Ľ., Škvarenina, J., Ahmed, Y.A.-R., 2013
- Differences in transpiration of Norway spruce drought stressed trees and trees well supplied with water.
- Biologia (Bratisl). 68, 1118–1122.
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- Brant, V., Pivec, J., Zábranský, P., Hakl, J., 2012
- Water consumption by Asteraceae weeds under field conditions.
- Weed Biol. Manag. 12, 71–83.
- Gebauer, R., Volařík, D., Urban, J., Børja, I., Nagy, N.E., Eldhuset, T.D., Krokene, P., 2011
- Effect of thinning on anatomical adaptations of Norway spruce needles.
- Tree Physiol. 31, 1103–1113.
- Kurjak, D., Střelcová, K., Ditmarová, Ľ., Priwitzer, T., Kmet’, J., Homolák, M., Pichler, V., 2012
- Physiological response of irrigated and non-irrigated Norway spruce trees as a consequence of drought in field conditions.
- Eur. J. For. Res. 131, 1737–1746.
- Kupper, P., Rohula, G., Saksing, L., Sellin, A., Lõhmus, K., Ostonen, I., Helmisaari, H.S., Sõber, A., 2012
- Does soil nutrient availability influence night-time water flux of aspen saplings?
- Environ. Exp. Bot. 82, 37–42.
- Cermak, J., Kucera, J., Bauerle, W., Phillips, N., Hinckley, T. 2007
- Tree water storage and its diurnal dynamics related to sap flow and changes in stem volume in old-growth Douglas-fir trees.
- Tree Physiology 27, 181-198.
- Mellander, P.E., Bishop, K., Lundmark, T., 2004
- The influence of soil temperature on transpiration: A plot scale manipulation in a young Scots pine stand.
- For. Ecol. Manage. 195, 15–28.
- Offenthaler, I., Hietz, P., Richter, H., 2001
- Wood diameter indicates diurnal and long-term patterns of xylem water potential in Norway spruce.
- Trees – Struct. Funct. 15, 215–221.
- Ryan, M.G., Bond, B.J., Law, B.E., Hubbard, R.M., Woodruff, D., Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., 2000
- Transpiration and whole-tree conductance in ponderosa pine trees of different heights.
- Oecologia 124, 553–560.
- Cienciala, E., and Lindroth, A. 1995
- Gas-exchange and sap flow measurements of Salix viminalis trees in short-rotation forest.2. Diurnal and seasonal variations of stomatal response and water use efficiency.
- Trees 9: 295-301.
- Cermak, J., Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Lindroth, A., and Bednarova, E. 1995
- Individual variation of sap-flow rate in large pine and spruce trees and stand transpiration: A pilot study at the central NOPEX site.
- Journal of Hydrology 168: 17-27.
- Full text available
- Cienciala, E., Eckersten, H., Lindroth, A., and Hallgren, J.E. 1994
- Simulated and measured water uptake by Picea abies under non-limiting soil water conditions.
- Agric. For. Meteorol. 71: 147-164.
- Full text available
- Cienciala, E. 1994
- Sap flow, transpiration and water use efficiency of spruce and willow in relation to climatic factors.
- Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ecology and Environmental Research, Rapport no. 64, 26pp
- Cermak, J., Matyssek, R., and Kucera, J. 1993
- Rapid Response of Large, Drought-Stressed Beech Trees to Irrigation.
- Tree Phys. 12: 281-290.
- Full text available
- Cermak, J., Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., and Hallgren, J.E. 1992
- Radial Velocity Profiles of Water Flow in Trunks of Norway Spruce and Oak and the Response of Spruce to Severing.
- Tree Phys. 10: 367-380.
- Full text available
- Cermak, J., Jenik, J., Kucera, J., and Zidek, V. 1984
- Xylem water flow in crack willow tree (Salix fragilis L.) in relation to diurnal changes of environment.
- Oecologia 64: 145-151.
Stem diameter changes
- Olivar, J., Bogino, S., Rathgeber, C., Bonnesoeur, V., Bravo, F., 2014
- Thinning has a positive effect on growth dynamics and growth-climate relationships in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) trees of different crown classes.
- Ann. For. Sci. 71, 395–404.
- Urban, J., Holušová, K., Menšík, L., Čermák, J., Kantor, P., 2013
- Tree allometry of Douglas fir and Norway spruce on a nutrient-poor and a nutrient-rich site.
- Trees – Struct. Funct. 27, 97–110.
- Full text available
- Warren, J.M., Iversen, C.M., Garten, C.T., Norby, R.J., Childs, J., Brice, D., Evans, R.M., Gu, L., Thornton, P., Weston, D.J., 2012
- Timing and magnitude of C partitioning through a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand using 13C labeling and shade treatments.
- Tree Physiol. 32, 799–813.
- Tatarinov, F.Y., Bochkarev, Y., Oltchev, A., Nadezhdina, N., Cermak, J., 2005
- Effect of contrasting water supply on diameter growth of Norway spruce and aspen mixed stands: a case study from the southern Russia.
- Ann. For. Sci. 62, 807 – 816.
- Kučera, J., 2023
- Analysis of Canopy Transpiration Based on the Sap Flow Measurement
- Disertation Thesis
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- Alem, S., Pavliš, J., Urban, J., Kučera, J., 2015
- Pure and Mixed Plantations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Cupressus lusitanica: Their Growth Interactions and Effect on Diversity and Density of Undergrowth Woody Plants in Relation to Light.
- Open J. For. 5, 375–386.
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- Perers, B., Furbo, S., Han, J., Kong, W., Stergiakis, S., 2015
- Long Term Testing and Evaluation of PV Modules with and without Sunarc Antireflective Coating of the Cover Glass.
- Energy Procedia 70, 311–317.
- Gebauer, R., Volařík, D., Urban, J., Børja, I., Nagy, N.E., Eldhuset, T.D., Krokene, P., 2012
- Effects of different light conditions on the xylem structure of Norway spruce needles.
- Trees 26, 1079–1089.
- Bednářová, E., Kučera, J., 2011
- Monitoring the damage to epicuticular waxes at silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in the changing air pollution spectrum of the Ore mountains.
- Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 59, 9–16.
- Full text available
- Kucera, J., Bednarova, E., Kamlerova, K. 2002
- Vertical profile of needle biomass and penetration of radiation through the spruce stand.
- Ekologia (Bratislava), Vol.21, Supplement 1/2002, p.107-121.
- Full text available
- Calibration of stem heat balance sensors upon a study of water balance of the hop plantation
- Urban et al.
- History of the development of the trunk heat balance method in last forty years.
- J. Kucera
- Canopy transpiration of mountain mixed forest
- J. Kučera, K. Střelcová, P. Fleischer, S. Giorgi
- Strategie a metody měření parametrů přírodního prostředí a procesů v kontinuu půda-rostlina-atmosféra
- J. Kučera
- Particularity of plant water relations research in arid and semi-arid regions
- J. Kucera
- Dostupnost vody jako limit rostlinne produkce
- J. Kucera
- Evapotranspirace vybraných druhů zemědělských a lesních porostů za nelimitujícího obsahu vody v půdě
- Jiří Kučera, Josef Urban, Miroslav Trnka, Milan Fischer, Karel Krofta, Renata Duffková
- Microclimate gradients in Ore Mountains forests of different altitude
- J. Kučera, E. Bednarova
- Analysis of the tree stem increment with respect to drought stress and to phenological phases
- E. Bednářová, J. Kučera,
- Analýza přírůstu lesních dřevin ve vztahu k přísušku a fenologickým fázím
- E. Bednářová, J. Kučera,