

MethodsCanopy levelTree levelOthersPresentations


Kučera, J., Vaníček, R., Urban, J., 2020
Automated exponential feedback weighting method for subtraction of heat losses from sap flow measured by the trunk heat balance method.
Acta Horticulturae
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Kucera, J., Brito, P., Jimenez, M.S., Urban, J., 2016
Direct Penman–Monteith parameterization for estimating stomatal conductance and modeling sap flow.
Trees on-line
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Kučera, J., Krofta, K., 2009
Mathematical model for prediction of alpha acid contents from meteorological data for �Saaz� aroma variety.
Acta Hortic. 848, 131–140.
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Fyodor A Tatarinov, Jiri Kučera, Emil Cienciala 2005
The analysis of physical background of tree sap flow measurement based on thermal methods
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Cermak J., Kucera J., Nadezhdina N. 2004
Sap flow measurements with some thermodynamic methods, flow integration within trees and scaling up from sample trees to entire forest stands.
Trees 18: 529­546.
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Cienciala E., Kucera J. and Lindroth A. 1999
Long-term measurements of stand water uptake in Swedish boreal forest.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 98-9, 547-554.
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Kostner, B., Granier, A., and Cermak, J. 1998.
Sapflow measurements in forest stands: methods and uncertainties.
Ann. Sci. For. 55: 13-27.
Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Kucera, J., Cienciala, E., and Eckersten, H. 1995.
Sap flow by the heat-balance method applied to small-size salix trees in a short-rotation forest.
Biomass and Bioenergy 8: 7-15.
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Cienciala, E., and Lindroth, A. 1995
Gas-exchange and sap flow measurements of Salix viminalis trees in short-rotation forest. I. Transpiration and sap flow.
Trees 9: 289-294.
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Cienciala, E., and Lindroth, A. 1995
Gas-exchange and sap flow measurements of Salix viminalis trees in short-rotation forest. II. Diurnal and seasonal variations of stomatal response and water use efficiency
Trees 9: 289-294.
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Cermak, J. 1989
Solar equivalent leaf area: an efficient biometrical parameter of individual leaves, trees and stands.
Tree Phys. 5: 269-289.
Schulze, E.-D., Cermak, J., Matyssek, R., Penka, M., Zimmermann, R., Vasicek, F., Gries, W., and Kucera, J. 1985
Canopy transpiration and water fluxes in the xylem of the trunk of Larix and Picea trees – a comparison of xylem flow, porometer and cuvette measurements.
Oecologia 66: 475-483.
Balek, J., Cermak, J., Kucera, J., and Prax, A. 1983
A direct method for forest transpiration measuement.
Journal of Hydrology 66: 123-131.
Cermak, J., and Kucera, J. 1981
The compensation of natural temperature gradient at the measuring point during the sap flow rate detemination in trees.
Biol. Plant. 23: 469-471.
Kucera, J., Cermak, J., and Penka, M. 1977
Improved thermal method of continual recording the transpiration flow rate dynamics.
Biol. Plant. 19: 413-420.
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Cermak, J., Deml, M., and Penka, M. 1973
A new method of sap flow rate determination in trees.
Biol. Plant. 15: 171-178.

Canopy level

Krofta, K., Kučera, J., Urban, J., 2013
Transpiration – an Important Contribution to Overall Water Balance of the Hop Plantation.
Acta Hortic. 1010, 183 – 190.
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Fischer, M., Trnka, M., Kučera, J., Deckmyn, G., Orság, M., Sedlák, P., Žalud, Z., Ceulemans, R., 2013
Evapotranspiration of a high-density poplar stand in comparison with a reference grass cover in the Czech-Moravian Highlands.
Agric. For. Meteorol. 181, 43–60.
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Kucera J., Urban J., Trnka M., Fischer M., Krofta K., Duffkova R. 2011
Evapotranspirace vybraných druhů zemědělských a lesních porostů za nelimitujícího obsahu vody v půdě
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Lagergren F., Lankreijer H., Kucera J., Cienciala E., Molder M., Lindroth A. 2008
Thinning effects on pine-spruce forest transpiration in central Sweden
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008)
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Cienciala, E., Mellander, P-E., Kucera. J., Oplustilova, M., Ottosson-Löfvenius, M., and Bishop, K. 2002
The effect of a north-facing forest edge on tree water use in a boreal Scots pine stand.
Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 32, 693-702.
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Martin, T.A., Brown, K.J., Kucera, J., Meinzer, F.C., Sprugel, D.G., Hinckley, T.M. 2001
Control of transpiration in a 220-year-old Abies amabilis forest.
Forest Ecology and management 152: 211-224
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Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Malmer, A. 2000
Tree sap flow and stand transpiration of two Acacia mangium plantations in Sabah, Borneo.
Journal of Hydrology 236 (2000) 109-120.
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Jimenez, M.S., Morales, D., Kucera, J., and Cermak, J. 1999
The annual course of transpiration in a laurel forest of Tenerife. Estimation with Myrica faya. Phyton;
Annales Rei Botanicae 39: 85-90.
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Bauerle, W.L., Hinckley, T.M., Cermak, J., Kucera, J., and Bible, K. 1999
The canopy water relations of old-growth Douglas-fir trees.
Trees 13: 211-217.
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Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Ryan, M.G., and Lindroth, A. 1998
Water flux in boreal forest during two hydrologically contrasting years; species specific regulation of canopy conductance and transpiration.
Ann. Sci. For. 55: 47-61.
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Cienciala, E., Running, S.W., Lindroth, A., Grelle, A., and Ryan, M.G. 1998
Analysis of carbon and water fluxes from the NOPEX boreal forest: Comparison of measurements with FOREST-BGC simulations.
Journal of Hydrology 213: 62-78.
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Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Grelle, A., and Halldin, S. 1997
Canopy transpiration from a boreal forest in Sweden during a dry year.
Agric. For. Meteorol. 86: 157-167.
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Martin, T.A., Brown, K.J., Cermak, J., Ceulemans, R., Kucera, J., Meinzer, F.C., Rombold, J.S., Sprugel, D.G., and Hinckley, T.M. 1997
Crown conductance and tree and stand transpiration in a second-growth Abies amabilis forest.
Can. J. Forest Res. 27: 797-808.
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Lindroth, A., and Cienciala, E. 1996
Water Use Efficiency of Short Rotation Salix Viminalis at Leaf, Tree and Stand Scales.
Tree Physiol 16: 257-262.
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Hinckley, T.M., Brooks, J.R., Cermak, J., Ceulemans, R., Kucera, J., Meinzer, F.C., and Roberts, D.A. 1994
Water Flux in a Hybrid Poplar Stand.
Tree Phys. 14: 1005-1018.
Cienciala, E., Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Hallgren, J.E., and Kucera, J. 1994
The Effects of Water Availability on Transpiration, Water Potential and Growth of Picea abies During a Growing Season.
Journal of Hydrology 155: 57-71.
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Cienciala, E., Lindroth, A., Cermak, J., Hallgren, J.E., and Kucera, J. 1992
Assessment of Transpiration Estimates for Picea abies Trees During a Growing Season.
Trees 6: 121-127.
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Cermak, J., and Kucera, J. 1990
Scaling up transpiration data between trees, stands and watersheds.
Silva Carelica 15: 101-120.

Tree level

Sap flow

Pietras, J., Stojanović, M., Knott, R., Pokorný, R., 2016
Oak sprouts grow better than seedlings under drought stress.
iForest – Biogeosciences For. 009, e1–e7.
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Gebauer, R., Volařík, D., Urban, J., Børja, I., Nagy, N.E., Eldhuset, T.D., Krokene, P., 2015
Effects of prolonged drought on the anatomy of sun and shade needles in young Norway spruce trees.
Ecol. Evol. n/a–n/a.
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Hoelscher, M.-T., Nehls, T., Jänicke, B., Wessolek, G., 2015
Quantifying cooling effects of facade greening: shading, transpiration and insulation.
Energy Build. 114, 283–290.
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Brant, V., Pivec, J., Hamouzová, K., Zábranský, P., Satrapová, J., Škeříková, M., 2014
Determination of the influence of herbicides on dicotyledons plant transpiration using the sap flow method.
Plant, Soil Environ. 60, 562–568.
Střelcová, K., Kurjak, D., Leštianska, A., Kovalčíková, D., Ditmarová, Ľ., Škvarenina, J., Ahmed, Y.A.-R., 2013
Differences in transpiration of Norway spruce drought stressed trees and trees well supplied with water.
Biologia (Bratisl). 68, 1118–1122.
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Brant, V., Pivec, J., Zábranský, P., Hakl, J., 2012
Water consumption by Asteraceae weeds under field conditions.
Weed Biol. Manag. 12, 71–83.
Gebauer, R., Volařík, D., Urban, J., Børja, I., Nagy, N.E., Eldhuset, T.D., Krokene, P., 2011
Effect of thinning on anatomical adaptations of Norway spruce needles.
Tree Physiol. 31, 1103–1113.
Kurjak, D., Střelcová, K., Ditmarová, Ľ., Priwitzer, T., Kmet’, J., Homolák, M., Pichler, V., 2012
Physiological response of irrigated and non-irrigated Norway spruce trees as a consequence of drought in field conditions.
Eur. J. For. Res. 131, 1737–1746.
Kupper, P., Rohula, G., Saksing, L., Sellin, A., Lõhmus, K., Ostonen, I., Helmisaari, H.S., Sõber, A., 2012
Does soil nutrient availability influence night-time water flux of aspen saplings?
Environ. Exp. Bot. 82, 37–42.
Cermak, J., Kucera, J., Bauerle, W., Phillips, N., Hinckley, T. 2007
Tree water storage and its diurnal dynamics related to sap flow and changes in stem volume in old-growth Douglas-fir trees.
Tree Physiology 27, 181-198.
Mellander, P.E., Bishop, K., Lundmark, T., 2004
The influence of soil temperature on transpiration: A plot scale manipulation in a young Scots pine stand.
For. Ecol. Manage. 195, 15–28.
Offenthaler, I., Hietz, P., Richter, H., 2001
Wood diameter indicates diurnal and long-term patterns of xylem water potential in Norway spruce.
Trees – Struct. Funct. 15, 215–221.
Ryan, M.G., Bond, B.J., Law, B.E., Hubbard, R.M., Woodruff, D., Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., 2000
Transpiration and whole-tree conductance in ponderosa pine trees of different heights.
Oecologia 124, 553–560.
Cienciala, E., and Lindroth, A. 1995
Gas-exchange and sap flow measurements of Salix viminalis trees in short-rotation forest.2. Diurnal and seasonal variations of stomatal response and water use efficiency.
Trees 9: 295-301.
Cermak, J., Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., Lindroth, A., and Bednarova, E. 1995
Individual variation of sap-flow rate in large pine and spruce trees and stand transpiration: A pilot study at the central NOPEX site.
Journal of Hydrology 168: 17-27.
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Cienciala, E., Eckersten, H., Lindroth, A., and Hallgren, J.E. 1994
Simulated and measured water uptake by Picea abies under non-limiting soil water conditions.
Agric. For. Meteorol. 71: 147-164.
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Cienciala, E. 1994
Sap flow, transpiration and water use efficiency of spruce and willow in relation to climatic factors.
Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ecology and Environmental Research, Rapport no. 64, 26pp
Cermak, J., Matyssek, R., and Kucera, J. 1993
Rapid Response of Large, Drought-Stressed Beech Trees to Irrigation.
Tree Phys. 12: 281-290.
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Cermak, J., Cienciala, E., Kucera, J., and Hallgren, J.E. 1992
Radial Velocity Profiles of Water Flow in Trunks of Norway Spruce and Oak and the Response of Spruce to Severing.
Tree Phys. 10: 367-380.
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Cermak, J., Jenik, J., Kucera, J., and Zidek, V. 1984
Xylem water flow in crack willow tree (Salix fragilis L.) in relation to diurnal changes of environment.
Oecologia 64: 145-151.

Stem diameter changes

Olivar, J., Bogino, S., Rathgeber, C., Bonnesoeur, V., Bravo, F., 2014
Thinning has a positive effect on growth dynamics and growth-climate relationships in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) trees of different crown classes.
Ann. For. Sci. 71, 395–404.
Urban, J., Holušová, K., Menšík, L., Čermák, J., Kantor, P., 2013
Tree allometry of Douglas fir and Norway spruce on a nutrient-poor and a nutrient-rich site.
Trees – Struct. Funct. 27, 97–110.
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Warren, J.M., Iversen, C.M., Garten, C.T., Norby, R.J., Childs, J., Brice, D., Evans, R.M., Gu, L., Thornton, P., Weston, D.J., 2012
Timing and magnitude of C partitioning through a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand using 13C labeling and shade treatments.
Tree Physiol. 32, 799–813.
Tatarinov, F.Y., Bochkarev, Y., Oltchev, A., Nadezhdina, N., Cermak, J., 2005
Effect of contrasting water supply on diameter growth of Norway spruce and aspen mixed stands: a case study from the southern Russia.
Ann. For. Sci. 62, 807 – 816.


Kučera, J., 2023
Analysis of Canopy Transpiration Based on the Sap Flow Measurement
Disertation Thesis
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Alem, S., Pavliš, J., Urban, J., Kučera, J., 2015
Pure and Mixed Plantations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Cupressus lusitanica: Their Growth Interactions and Effect on Diversity and Density of Undergrowth Woody Plants in Relation to Light.
Open J. For. 5, 375–386.
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Perers, B., Furbo, S., Han, J., Kong, W., Stergiakis, S., 2015
Long Term Testing and Evaluation of PV Modules with and without Sunarc Antireflective Coating of the Cover Glass.
Energy Procedia 70, 311–317.
Gebauer, R., Volařík, D., Urban, J., Børja, I., Nagy, N.E., Eldhuset, T.D., Krokene, P., 2012
Effects of different light conditions on the xylem structure of Norway spruce needles.
Trees 26, 1079–1089.
Bednářová, E., Kučera, J., 2011
Monitoring the damage to epicuticular waxes at silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in the changing air pollution spectrum of the Ore mountains.
Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 59, 9–16.
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Kucera, J., Bednarova, E., Kamlerova, K. 2002
Vertical profile of needle biomass and penetration of radiation through the spruce stand.
Ekologia (Bratislava), Vol.21, Supplement 1/2002, p.107-121.
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ppt Calibration of stem heat balance sensors upon a study of water balance of the hop plantation
Urban et al.
ppt History of the development of the trunk heat balance method in last forty years.
J. Kucera
ppt Canopy transpiration of mountain mixed forest
J. Kučera, K. Střelcová, P. Fleischer, S. Giorgi
ppt Strategie a metody měření parametrů přírodního prostředí a procesů v kontinuu půda-rostlina-atmosféra
J. Kučera
ppt Particularity of plant water relations research in arid and semi-arid regions
J. Kucera
ppt Dostupnost vody jako limit rostlinne produkce
J. Kucera
ppt Evapotranspirace vybraných druhů zemědělských a lesních porostů za nelimitujícího obsahu vody v půdě
Jiří Kučera, Josef Urban, Miroslav Trnka, Milan Fischer, Karel Krofta, Renata Duffková
ppt Microclimate gradients in Ore Mountains forests of different altitude
J. Kučera, E. Bednarova
ppt Analysis of the tree stem increment with respect to drought stress and to phenological phases
E. Bednářová, J. Kučera,
ppt Analýza přírůstu lesních dřevin ve vztahu k přísušku a fenologickým fázím
E. Bednářová, J. Kučera,